The billing and usage dashboard shows each model that has been active in the current billing period, how long that model has run for, and the bill for that modelโ€™s compute time. Model usage is broken down by deployment for models with multiple deployments. The model usage dashboard is updated hourly.

If your account has credits, they will be applied against your bill automatically and shown in the model usage dashboard.



Every new Baseten workspace is issued free credits to get started with model deployment and serving. Use these credits to explore open-source models or test your own model deployment.

If your credits run out and there is no payment method on your account, all active models will be de-activated and you wonโ€™t be able to deploy new models until a payment method is added.

Payment method

On the billing page, you can set and update your payment method. Your payment information, including credit card numbers and bank information, is always stored securely with our payments processor and not by Baseten directly.

Invoice history

Your invoice history shows prior invoices and payments for your records. Contact us if you have any questions about your invoice history.

Usage and billing FAQs

For complete information, see our pricing page, but here are answers to some common questions:

How exactly is usage calculated?

Model usage is calculated by the minute for the time your model is actively deploying, scaling up or down, or being called. You are billed based on the instance type that your model uses.

How often are payments due?

We automatically charge the credit card you have on file for model resource usage. When you first sign up for Baseten, your workspaces is charged as soon as you exceed $50.00 in usage or at the end of the monthly billing period, whichever happens first. Once youโ€™ve established a history of successful payments, your workspace is only charged at the end of each monthly billing cycle.

Do you offer volume discounts?

We offer volume discounts for workspaces on our Pro plan. Contact us to learn more.

Do you offer education and non-profit discounts?

Yes, we are happy to support ML efforts for education and non-profit organizations. Contact us to learn more.