In this example, we will cover how you can use the model_cache key in your Truss’s config.yml to automatically bundle model weights from a private Hugging Face repo.

Bundling model weights can significantly reduce cold start times because your instance won’t waste time downloading the model weights from Hugging Face’s servers.

We use Llama-2-7b, a popular open-source large language model, as an example. In order to follow along with us, you need to request access to Llama 2.

  1. First, sign up for a Hugging Face account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Request access to Llama 2 from Meta’s website.
  3. Next, request access to Llama 2 on Hugging Face by clicking the “Request access” button on the model page.

If you want to deploy on Baseten, you also need to create a Hugging Face API token and add it to your organizations’s secrets.

  1. Create a Hugging Face API token and copy it to your clipboard.
  2. Add the token with the key hf_access_token to your organization’s secrets on Baseten.

Step 0: Initialize Truss

Get started by creating a new Truss:

truss init llama-2-7b-chat

Select the TrussServer option then hit y to confirm Truss creation. Then navigate to the newly created directory:

cd llama-2-7b-chat

Step 1: Implement Llama 2 7B in Truss

Next, we’ll fill out the file to implement Llama 2 7B in Truss.

In model/, we write the class Model with three member functions:

  • __init__, which creates an instance of the object with a _model property
  • load, which runs once when the model server is spun up and loads the pipeline model
  • predict, which runs each time the model is invoked and handles the inference. It can use any JSON-serializable type as input and output.

We will also create a helper function format_prompt outside of the Model class to appropriately format the incoming text according to the Llama 2 specification.

Read the quickstart guide for more details on Model class implementation.

from typing import Dict, List

import torch
from transformers import LlamaForCausalLM, LlamaTokenizer

DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT = "You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant."

B_INST, E_INST = "[INST]", "[/INST]"
B_SYS, E_SYS = "<<SYS>>\n", "\n<</SYS>>\n\n"

class Model:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        self._data_dir = kwargs["data_dir"]
        self._config = kwargs["config"]
        self._secrets = kwargs["secrets"]
        self.model = None
        self.tokenizer = None

    def load(self):
        self.model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
        self.tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained(

    def predict(self, request: Dict) -> Dict[str, List]:
        prompt = request.pop("prompt")
        prompt = format_prompt(prompt)

        inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")

        outputs = model.generate(**inputs, do_sample=True, num_beams=1, max_new_tokens=100)
        response = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0]

        return {"response": response}

def format_prompt(prompt: str, system_prompt: str = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT) -> str:
    return f"{B_INST} {B_SYS} {system_prompt} {E_SYS} {prompt} {E_INST}"

Step 2: Set Python dependencies

Now, we can turn our attention to configuring the model server in config.yaml.

In addition to transformers, Llama 2 has three other dependencies. We list them below as follows:

- accelerate==0.21.0
- safetensors==0.3.2
- torch==2.0.1
- transformers==4.30.2

Always pin exact versions for your Python dependencies. The ML/AI space moves fast, so you want to have an up-to-date version of each package while also being protected from breaking changes.

Step 3: Configure Hugging Face caching

Finally, we can configure Hugging Face caching in config.yaml by adding the model_cache key. When building the image for your Llama 2 deployment, the Llama 2 model weights will be downloaded and cached for future use.

- repo_id: "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf"
  - "*.bin"

In this configuration:

  • meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf is the repo_id, pointing to the exact model to cache.
  • We use a wild card to ignore all .bin files in the model directory by providing a pattern under ignore_patterns. This is because the model weights are stored in .bin and safetensors format, and we only want to cache the safetensors files.

Step 4: Deploy the model

You’ll need a Baseten API key for this step. Make sure you added your HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN to your organization’s secrets.

We have successfully packaged Llama 2 as a Truss. Let’s deploy!

truss push --trusted

Step 5: Invoke the model

You can invoke the model with:

truss predict -d '{"prompt": "What is a large language model?"}'