Deploy a Chain


truss chains push [OPTIONS] SOURCE [ENTRYPOINT]

Deploys a chain to a remote environment.

  • SOURCE: Path to a python file that contains the entrypoint chainlet.
  • ENTRYPOINT (optional): Class name of the entrypoint chainlet. If omitted, the chainlet tagged with @chains.mark_entrypoint is used.


  • --name (TEXT): Custom name for the chain (defaults to entrypoint name).
  • --publish / --no-publish: Create chainlets as a published deployment.
  • --promote / --no-promote: Promote newly deployed chainlets into production.
  • --environment (TEXT): Deploy chainlets into a particular environment.
  • --wait / --no-wait: Wait until all chainlets are ready (or deployment failed).
  • --watch / --no-watch: Watches the chains source code and applies live patches. Using this option will wait for the chain to be deployed (i.e.--wait flag is applied), before starting to watch for changes. This option requires the deployment to be a development deployment.
  • --experimental-chainlet-names: (TEXT): Runs watch, but only applies patches to specified chainlets. The option is a comma-separated list of chainlet (display) names. This option can give faster dev loops, but also lead to inconsistent deployments. Use with caution and refer to docs.
  • --dryrun: Produces only generated files, but doesn’t deploy anything.
  • --remote (TEXT): Name of the remote in .trussrc to push to.
  • --log [humanfriendly|I|INFO|D|DEBUG]: Customizes logging.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Live Reload Development


truss chains watch [OPTIONS] SOURCE [ENTRYPOINT]

Watches for source code changes and applies live updates to a development deployment.

  • SOURCE: Path to a Python file containing the entrypoint chainlet.
  • ENTRYPOINT (optional): Class name of the entrypoint chainlet. If omitted, the chainlet tagged with @chains.mark_entrypoint is used.


  • --name (TEXT): Name of the chain to be deployed, if not given, the entrypoint name is used.
  • --remote: (TEXT): Name of the remote in .trussrc to push to.
  • --experimental-chainlet-names: (TEXT): Runs watch, but only applies patches to specified chainlets. The option is a comma-separated list of chainlet (display) names. This option can give faster dev loops, but also lead to inconsistent deployments. Use with caution and refer to docs.
  • --log [humanfriendly|W|WARNING|I|INFO|D|DEBUG]: Customizes logging.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Initialize a Chain Project


truss chains init [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY]

Initializes a chains project directory.

  • DIRECTORY (optional): Path to a new or empty directory for the chain. Defaults to the current directory if omitted.


  • --log LEVEL → Set log verbosity [humanfriendly | INFO | DEBUG].
  • --help → Show command details.